It's been way too long since I posted anything. I've been adjusting to a new work schedule and as a result I've been extraordinarily tired lately.
I've updated my website to include some new illustrations and a new sketchbook section. The sketchbook section will need some work, but it can be pretty cool to see the process work. I often think that my sketch books are way more interesting than any individual piece of art I can create.
I've also finished another personal piece called "Scouts Honour" You can see it here or on grammajones.com.
What else.... I watched Karate Kid 2. It wasn't nearly as good as I remember it being from when I last saw it at 9 years old. Last Sunday we shot the second episode of Kevin's web show. The show is now tentatively titled "Apt." Get it? Short for Apartment. Cause the whole series takes place in an apartment. It's going well. So far it's really fun to shoot. Colin is editing the first episode right now and he says it's coming together pretty well. I'm looking forward to it.
I've been experimenting with different printing techniques. I'll post some examples soon.
Pretty soon you'll be able to buy your very own jetpack. That's cool.
That's all the news I have for now.