I went to a few shows during the NXNE festival. Saw the Dodo's and Deerhoof (and some other crappy band who thought that electric drums and fake hand clap sound effects were awesome). Dodos were wicked as usual and Deerhoof put on a great show as well. All the energy came from the drummer and the lead singer. Totally good show show but the sets were so short. It felt like the Dodos barely got started when they had to stop playing.
The next show we saw was Men Without Hats. What a bore. Whatever they may have had in the 80's left them a long time ago and now they are just a little sad and weird. After them we saw....
DEVO!!!!!! Awesome show. Second Devo show I've been to and man o man they just get better and better. Super entertaining. Sorry I don't have any photos, I was too busy dancing my butt off. I promise I will go to any and all Devo shows that happen anywhere near Toronto from now until the end of time.