I did an experiment today where I read an article at random on the good 'ol internets and then did an illustration for it as fast as I could. The article was about a Harvard computer professor who started a company that funds other start-up computer companies. He kept referring to his company as a "Hatchery"... which is why the illustration is a computer nerd holding a carton of eggs with other nerds inside. I didn't use my usual pen to draw this so it's not as tight as I usually like. Still for an illustration that took an hour and a half from start to finish... not bad.
in other news, check out my website! It's online as of tonight. Follow my link and then follow the link on the website to this blog for a never ending link there and link back link-a-thon.
(Advenures of LINK was inferior to the Legend of Zelda). Anyway... here's the address:
That's all i got today.
The illustration is aces! I love the colours, as usual, and the egg thing was a great idea. Eggs: what aren't they good for? You should do an illustration of me being amazed with all of your other illustrations.
I once ate a geek egg. 100% of your daily value of midochlorians!
Great piece - would never have known it took you so little time. Quality is still there. I'm excited about your new site (and finding this blog so I can peep the new paintings and your ideas behind them)!
if i could eat nerds i would...i just can't catch the little buggers...
but after seeing you're art, i'll never think about eating a nerd again
grama jones on the other hand looks delisherous
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