Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Maddy!!!

Maddy's birthday passed recently and this is my gift for her. Her very own Rocket Science Rick comic!!!!

The most sophisticated of all comic strip humour involves repeating the exact same joke over and over again until you have no choice but to admit that it's freaking hilarious!!!!!

Enjoy Maddy! Happy birthday!!

Crazy mechanics!

On an adventure through my neighbourhood, Claudia and I came upon a discarded... something. It looks quasi mechanical, almost like it could be part of an elevator. It was also burned and charred and surrounded by piles of burned garbage and wigs. It was actually pretty terrifying. To think that it's just sitting in the courtyard outside my apartment. Creepy!
I really like the photo of Claudia in the wasteland.

My Little Pony

Claudia and I went to a show on Saturday. We went because her friends are in the band Donlands and Mortimer and they were playing. They were really good, as usual, but the highlight was seeing Norwegian band My Little Pony.

Humans are so fickle! We always want new things! Shiny things! Better things!.... Norwegian things!

Sorry for the crap i-phone pic.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Illustration Friday - Cultivate

It's been a while since I did anything for IF.

Here's an older piece that suits the theme. I hope that isn't cheating too much!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

The APT on TV

The Web series that I've been involved with with my friend Kevin has been picked up to be on television... wha wha wha!!???

That's right. This September you can see us in our very own TELEVISION sit com (notice I didn't say web-com) on Rogers television. Of course anyone who knows anything about Toronto Knows that Rogers television is basically a cable access station. Regardless. We'll be on TV. So cool!!!!!


The Dodger

Here's a sketch of the interior of one of my favourite pubs. Not a finished piece but I dig it.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Built in a Day

This is an illustration of brothers Romulus and Remus. In mythology they were the founders of the city of Rome and as children they were suckled by a she-wolf. I've always liked that story.
