Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dangerous Careers!

Here's an illustration about dangerous careers. I ha no reason to do this except that I wanted to draw some peoples heads and this seemed like a reason to do it. Also, my job is very dangerous. I race cars all day while firing guns and knife fighting robots. We're hiring if anyone's interested.... Upon further consideration, I don't like the Firefighter here. I'm gonna re-do or re-place him.


claud-hop said...

I love drawing heads and faces, mostly because it's all I know how to draw. They all look awesome, but especially the pilot. You are TOO good at art, so much to the extent that I think that if I had never seen any art before in my life, upon viewing yours my head would explode from an overload of happiness and awe.

claud-hop said...

OH! Also, I forgot to mention that I love the colours. And you.

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic. And the cop and pilot are considerably skinnier than your usual characters... are they eating okay?